
  1. Hsu, C.H. and Yang, S.A.,『Pressure Gradient and Variable Wall Temperature effects during Filmwise Condensation from downward Flowing Vapors onto a Horizontal Tube,』Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,其他
  2. Chao-Ho Hsu and Rong-Tsong Lee,『A Circular NonNewtonian Fluid Model Used in Elastohydrodynamic Squeeze Films,』Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers,Vol.12, No.4,pp.401-411.,1991,其他
  3. 許昭和,李榮宗,『有潤滑二正向接近物體的數值分析,』Journal of Technology,Vol.6, No.2,pp.129-138.,1991,其他
  4. 許昭和,李榮宗,『非牛頓流體模型應用於彈液動擠壓問題,』The Chinese Journal of Mechanics,Vol.8, No.4,pp.353-364.,1992,其他
  5. Rong-Tsong Lee and Chao-Ho Hsu,『A fast method for the analysis of thermal-elastohydrodynamic lubrication of rolling/sliding line contacts,』Wear,Vol.166,pp.107-117.,1993,其他
  6. Rong-Tsong Lee, Chao-Ho Hsu,『A Fast Method to the Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Rolling/Sliding Line Contacts,』Wear,166,pp. 107-117,1993
  7. Chao-Ho Hsu and Rong-Tsong Lee,『An Efficient Algorithm for Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Under Rolling / slidinf Line Contacts,』ASME J. of Tribology,Vol 116,pp.762-769.,1994,其他
  8. Rong-Tsong Lee and Chao-Ho Hsu,『Advanced Multilevel Solution for Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Simple Sliding Line Contacts,』Wear,Vol.171,pp.227-237.,1994,其他
  9. Lee, R. T., Hsu, C. H. and Kuo, W. F.,『Multilevel Solution for Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Problem Under Rolling/Sliding Circular Contact,』Tribology International,Vol. 28,pp.541-552.,1995,其他
  10. Yang, S. -A. and Hsu, C. -H.,『Superheated mixed convection Film condensation in the forward stagnation region of a cylinder or sphere,』J. of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers,Vol. 18,pp. 85-93.,1997,其他
  11. Yang, S -A. and Hsu, C. -H.,『A simple Analysis of free convection film boiling around a horizontal elliptical tube with surface tension,』Transactions of the ASME, J. of Heat Transfer,Vol. 119,pp. 636-638.,1997,其他
  12. Hsu, C.-H. and Yang, S.-A.,『Mixed convection film condensation from downward flowing vapors onto a sphere with variable wall temperature.,』Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 33,pp.85-91.,1997,其他
  13. Yang, S. -A. and Hsu, C. -H.,『Filmwise condensation on a vertical porous ellipsoid with uniform suction velocity,』Chemical Engineering Communication,Vol. 160,pp.123-135.,1997,其他
  14. Hsu, C.-H. and Yang, S.-A.,『Mixed convection film condensation from downward flowing vapors onto a sphere with uniform wall heat flux.,』Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 32,pp.385-391.,1997,其他
  15. Yang, S.A. and Hsu, C.H.,『Mixed-Convectin Film Condensation on a Horizontal Elliptical Tube with Uniform Suface Heat Flux,』Numberical Heat Transfer,Vol.32,,pp.85-95,1997,其他
  16. Yang, S.A. and Hsu, C.H.,『Free and Forced Convection from a Horizontal Elliptical Tube as Special Cases,』Int. J. Heat and Fluid,18,,pp. 567-574,1997
  17. Chao-Ho Hsu and Rong-Tsong Lee,『Advanced Multilevel Solution for Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Circular Contact Problem.,』Wear,Vol.177,pp.117-127.,Nov.1994,其他


  1. 許昭和,85.機械工程學會論文』
  2. Chao-Ho Hsu, Rong-Tsong Lee,A circular Non-Newtonian Fluid Model Used in Elastohydrodynamic Squeeze Films,Presentation in Proceedings of 7th CSME Conference,pp.463-471.,1990
  3. 許昭和,李榮宗,『有潤滑二正向接近物體的數值分析』,第五屆全國技職研討會,pp.4277-4287.,1990
  4. 許昭和,李榮宗,邱源成,『潤滑形態圖之探討』,第十屆全國機械工程學術研討會,新竹市,pp.481-487.,1993
  5. 許昭和,李榮宗,邱源成,『高負荷高滑動下熱彈液動潤滑之快速解』,第八屆CSME Conference,pp.225-232.,Nov.1991
  6. 許昭和,李榮宗,『非牛頓流體模型應用於彈液動擠壓問題』,第十屆中華民國太陽能學會論文集,pp.177-187.,Oct.1990
  7. 許昭和,李榮宗,邱源成,『高負荷高滑動下缺油之熱彈液動潤滑』,第十五屆全國力學會議,pp.581-588.,Oct.1991